Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Meet the puppies!!

Good Tuesday morning to ya!  Well here's the calm before the storm, literally.  Woke up to a beautiful sunrise this morning.

Now meet the puppies!!  And this storm will hit our house in about 2 weeks!! Wahoo!! Am I ready for this?  Probably not, but hey, life's a dance!  You only live once, so you might as well hang on and enjoy the ride, right?  Remind me of this about a week after we get them, ok?
First up and first born in the litter, Meet lil' Miss Maggie Mae.  She will be Mare Bear's girl.

Now let's meet, Lil' Miss Black As Midnight.  She's the last born and runt of the litter.  She will be Pixie's girl.

Not a very clear picture of her.  But she is the cutest little thing.  Kind of ironic, she's the last born and the smallest of her litter, Pixie is our last born and the smallest(for now) of our family.

Our lives will once again change.  We were able to watch them grow from the time we met them at 2 weeks of age until now.  The owner of the Mom has been so kind as to let us come see them whenever we get the chance and has posted pictures of them weekly on FaceBook.  We look forward to having them come home with us.  I keep telling the owner, I don't know how you will be able to let all of them go.  Although it must be like having 6 children the same age constantly needing one of their two Mom's.
While we were there, the pups kept looking for the girls.  So cute, they'd sit in their area and look out for them and whine until they were picked up by them.  They must remember their smell or something.  Midnight slept in my arms for a long time in puppy time, I hope she doesn't think she will be doing that when she's 60 lbs.?!
Anyhow, have a great day.  If you are in the path of the winter storm heading our way in April, get prepared!  I can't believe this crazy weather. Smile it's good for you!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Make up your mind!

Ok, I'm not sure who to be angry with!  Is it Mother nature or Old Man Winter?????
Whoever it is, can someone please tell them, IT'S SPRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you!